Post Oscars Non Oscars Film Recommendations 「後奧斯卡/非奧斯卡」好戲推薦

潤物 Mender of Things
3 min readMay 9, 2021
Illustrated by Wincel Capiendo

Riding on the waves of the Oscars and the gradual relaxation of the COVID-19 restrictions, we are sure a lot of you have been in and out of the cinema quite often lately — nothing beats a pitch-black space where one can immerse into the stories of the others, stepping into their shoes, to anticipate, experience, and explore what is being shown on the big screen — as you find yourself, within a short few hours, slowly growing from a stranger to the protagonists on screen to an empathetic confidant of the souls struggling through their lives in front of you…

While there has been quite a lot of spotlight on the Oscars nominees (and indeed, we have quite a few favourites as well!), we would like to share with you our recent favourite “Post Oscars Non Oscars” films, which, we find particularly insightful and thought provoking.
Find out the full list below!




1. 《惡與他們的距離》There Is No Evil (dir. Mohammad Rasoulof) — Banned from leaving the country, the Iranian director, Rasoulof, portrays four heartbreaking stories of military men tasked with death executions as they struggle with the decisions they were to make on another human being’s life as well as that of the stories of their loved ones.

2. 《被消失的公義》The Collini Case (dir. Marco Kreuzpaintner) — Based on a piece of law enacted during the post-war period (the Dreher Law of 1968), the story starts with a coldblooded murder of a German tycoon by a 70-year-old Italian which gradually unfolds into a painful confrontation of a country’s painful past and history — a living statement to Hannah Arendt’s notion of the “banality of evil”.

3.《毒水曝光》Minamata (dir. Andrew Levitas) — Starring Johnny Depp (who also produced) as American photojournalist, W. Eugene Smith, the film depicts Smith documenting the effects of mercury poisoning on the citizens of Minamata, Kumamoto, Japan in the 1970s as he faces not only threats from the giant Japanese corporation but also his own internal struggles and demons.

4. 看見緬甸Eyes on Burma — Carefully selected by Broadway Cinematheque are 5 films on the country of Burma, a country long under a veil from the eyes of the world. Recent happenings in Burma once again brought the country to the attention of the world — and indeed, many Hong Konger may probably find more similarities than differences with our brothers and sisters across the border fighting for freedom and justice. With a curious heart, we invite you to put your eyes on Burma, to understand their past, their present, their joy and their sorrow.

放映電影Film selection:
《緬甸起義:看不到的真相》Burma VJ: Reporting from a Closed Country (dir. Anders Østergaard)
《緬甸拉登》The Venerable W. (dir. Anders Østergaard)
《德昂》Ta’ang (dir. Bing Wang)
《金玉其外》Golden Kingdom (dir. Brian Perkins)
《玄來,僧的走不了》The Monk (dir. The Maw Naing)

5. 法國五月藝術節 Le French May — Last but not least, it’s the exciting month of May again where numerous of romantic, hysterical, funky (you name it!) French movies are waiting for you! Go visit for more details!



潤物 Mender of Things

An arts and law education initiative advocating for empathy and social justice