始流 First Drops: 新的視野 New Sight

潤物 Mender of Things
5 min readNov 25, 2018

編按:始流 First Drops 欄目專供同學們發表意見,書寫其對社會的觀察、探索人文藝術與人權議題之間的連結。本文作者(雙語版本)Betty Wong 為香港聖羅撒書院學生。

After joining the workshop and the sharing section in HKU today, I bring my tired body and ‘mendered’ soul back home. While I pass by Choi Hung Estate, which I do every day on the way home, I think of how my classmate told me that there is a way to the basketball court famous for photo taking the day before. I live somewhere near for years but it is the first time that I visit it. I am not going to share the culture or how famous the place is. The point that makes me reflect is that there is always something close to us in real life, and happens near us. But as we focus on ourselves most of the time, we forget to put an eye on others as well as the society. We forget how to show care to others, appreciate the beauty, or identify injustice around us. I know it is difficult. I myself also lacked the awareness before attending the workshops. Hong Kong is a ‘fast city’. Everyone has to finish their job efficiently within a limited time. But just look at my story of discovering a place just near my home after years. Don’t you have similar experience? Did you enjoy your time in a park or somewhere near your home? Or you never explored it until you really need to pass it by? If you belong to the latter, like me, why not go and explore the city by walking to the park near your home starting from today? Look at the surroundings. Greet the people kindly. You can surely have another view towards society in real life. You can surely be caring and build a sense of belonging. You can surely give good influences to people, just like a ‘mender of things’.

今天參與香港大學「潤物」的工作坊和分享會後,我拖著疲憊的身驅和「被療愈的」靈魂返家。我就如平常一樣經過彩虹邨。此時,突然想起昨天同學告訴那以彩虹色的房屋出名的打卡點的位置。我住在附近多年,不是說沒有好奇過,但出奇地,今天是我第一次去「朝聖」。 我今天並非要分享彩虹邨的文化與知名度,你們也許比我清楚。讓我反思的是,有很多人事物與我們很接近,而且與生活息息相關。但由於各種原因,我們沒有對其抱有或保持很大的好奇心。回想一下,你是否大部分時間都在關注自己繁忙的工作與學業,而忘記了如何向他人表達關懷,忘記關心這個屬於我們每一個人的社會?又是否忽視了這個社會正在發生的不公義,或是欣賞美麗的事物呢? 我知道這殊不簡單。我也曾經對社會問題視而不見,覺得與自己毫無關係 — 反正總會有人關注。香港是一個「速食城市」,每個人都必須在有限的時間內有效地完成工作,有時真的很難顧及到社會上看似與自己毫無關係的人事物。以我為例,幾年後才探索到就在家附近的地方,你又可有類似的經歷?長大之後,你還會到公園或家附近的地方走走嗎?你還記得小時候在公園認識的玩伴、跟你打招呼的的親戚鄰里嗎?你還會跟他聯絡或給予關懷嗎?還是,在若干年後突然想起那些回憶,卻無從追溯那些曾經的玩伴,甚至根本沒有相關的回憶…… 如果你是後者,讓我們一起從今天開始,以家裡附近的公園作為起點,探索也有你我其中的社區,乃至於這座城市。看看周遭環境,與各種階層的人打打交道,你也許會對這個社會有另一種看法,建立對香港的歸屬感,以及這社會發生大小事的關注,並給其帶來良好的影響,如同「潤物」一般。



潤物 Mender of Things

An arts and law education initiative advocating for empathy and social justice