始流 First Drops : 流行廣告與性別定型 Popular Advertisements and Gender Stereotypes (by Vanessa Lo)

潤物 Mender of Things
3 min readAug 6, 2018

編按:始流 First Drops 欄目專供同學們發表意見,書寫其對社會的觀察、探索人文藝術與人權議題之間的連結。本文作者(雙語版本)Vanessa Lo為香港聖羅撒書院中四學生。

Editor’s Notes: 始流 First Drops is a column for students to share their social observations, and to explore the link between arts and human rights issues. The author of this article (both English & Chinese versions), Vanessa Lo, is a Form 4 student from St. Rose of Lima’s College in Hong Kong.



In today’s society, a lot of companies that are selling slimming and weight loss products will use different marketing methods, such as posters and advertisements. During the last workshop, we discussed a green tea advertisement on weight loss. It is shown that people can lose their weight after they drink the green tea. It is understandable that they want their products to be popular or even hot, so they will adopt different marketing methods. However, most of the protagonists in the promotion are women, as in the green tea advertisement. Did you ever think deeply about the problems behind? In the mind of the general public, women’s waists need to be slender in order to be beautiful. If women are fat, then people will say that they are not beautiful. A lot of advertisers will also deliberately shame fat people in order to highlight that the people who are slim are beautiful. This makes a huge contrast and everyone has become accustomed to the propaganda techniques, but the point is that why everyone will have this concept? Why most of the protagonists in the promotion of slimming products are women, but not men? Why women will be defined as beautiful only if they are thin? Also, why people will think that the women who are slim can wear in a more exposed way, while the women who are fat need to wear in a more concealed way? Whenever a weight loss or slimming product is mentioned, everyone will associate it with women; when the definition of “beautiful” is mentioned, everyone will think of the words “skinny”, “slim” and so on. Why everyone will have these kinds of “fixed” concepts? Although everyone have different thinking, and there is no wrong answer or right answer, this question is really worthy for us to reflect about. From the past until now, there have been a lot of different problems about gender stereotype, actually what are the reasons that lead to this problem? Does a woman’s image need to be forever the same that they need to be skinny so as to be defined as beautiful? Is it possible that one day people’s thinking will change that they will have the idea of gender equality?

聽埋Vanessa關於潤物工作坊的分享呀 : )
Learn more from Vanessa about MoTH’s workshops!



MoTH workshops really allowed me to have a more comprehensive approach to a lot of social issues and made me to think deeply. At the same time, I can reflect on my own attitude towards different things in my daily life. In addition, through MoTH workshops, I did learn a lot of knowledge that I can’t learn from the books that normally I read. It also inspired me to pay more attention to different social issues and always have empathy. Finally, I believe that the world will become better if everyone can have empathy. I’m sure that this workshop can change lots of people if they can attend it. What MoTH is doing may not change the world a lot, but at least MoTH changed our minds. Massive thanks to MoTH and I really enjoy the time spent with MoTH!

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潤物 Mender of Things

An arts and law education initiative advocating for empathy and social justice