始流 First Drops: 《漢娜的遺言》中的欺凌問題 Bullying in 13 Reasons Why

潤物 Mender of Things
2 min readAug 9, 2018

編按:始流 First Drops 欄目專供同學們發表意見,書寫其對社會的觀察、探索人文藝術與人權議題之間的連結。本文作者(雙語版本)Rachel Fu(中五)、Suki Wong (中五)及 Cindy Pang (中四)為香港聖羅撒書院學生。

Editor’s Notes: 始流 First Drops is a column for students to share their social observations, and to explore the link between arts and human rights issues. The authors of this article (both English & Chinese versions), Rachel Fu (Form 5), Suki Wong (Form 5) and Cindy Pang (Form 4) are students from St. Rose of Lima’s College in Hong Kong.

圖片來源 Photo: IMDb

的確,損人不利己的事絕不該做。然而,為何校園欺凌者卻要圖費氣力,導致兩敗俱傷呢?上週六 (8月4日),我們 MoTHies-to-be 在工作坊中探討欺凌者與被欺凌者的關係。眾所周知,被欺凌者是欺凌中的受害者。在 13 Reasons Why 這部電視劇中,主角 Hannah Baker 遭受到殘酷的言語、身體及性欺凌。身體上的暴力固然傷害 Baker,但令她自殺的原因卻不只是‍被強暴,卻還有流言蜚語和朋輩壓力。畢竟,不是每種傷害也會留下疤痕的。

站在欺凌者角度,大家常常認為壞人之所以會攻擊別人,是因為他們邪惡的心性,但我們又有否想到他們背後難以言喻的傷痛呢?就 Chloe Rice 的事件而言,究竟是 Rice 天生邪惡,還是 Walker 也需要負上一部分的責任呢?的確,弱者需要被憐憫,但我們必須明白憐憫受害者和體恤施辱者兩者並不是對立的。欺凌的確不應該被合理化,但或者,只是或者,欺凌者也曾是受害者。畢竟,教育學生去保護自己並不足夠,反而尋找出一些人堅決要損人不利己背後的原因更為重要。

Blowing out someone else’s candle doesn’t make yours shine any brighter. Sure. Yet the question of the day, is what makes a bully keep pushing people against the locker when all that brings is an aching palm? Last Saturday (4 August), we MoTHies-to-be gathered around and tried to see bullying from different perspectives by exploring the dichotomy between a bully and a victim, or if there is one. With no doubt, victims suffer, both physically and mentally. In 13 Reasons Why, Hannah Baker encountered terrible verbal, physical and sexual bullying. Physical violence certainly hurts Baker, but what drives her to commit suicide is not just the rape, but salacious rumour and peer pressure. After all, not all forms of abuse leave bruises.

Now, let’s look at bullying from the eyes of the bully. A common assumption is that the bad guys attack because they are bad, but what we don’t know is the scars and bruises on their backs. Let’s look at the case of Chloe Rice — is Rice innately evil, or does Walker has to take part of the blame? The weak is to be sympathised, but we have to understand that showing empathy to the weak and the bully isn’t mutually exclusive. The act of bullying shouldn’t be rationalised, but maybe, only maybe, there isn’t that much of a difference between a bully and a victim in bullying. At the end of the day, educating students about protecting their candles just isn’t enough; while figuring out the reasons behind certain obsession with candle blowing, might do the job.

參考資料 / References:

Why we shouldn’t ignore what 13 Reasons Why is trying to tell us: https://theconversation.com/why-we-shouldnt-ignore-what-13-reasons-why-is-trying-to-tell-us-76800

Netflix’s ‘13 Reasons Why’ Is Shining a Much Needed Light on Teen Bullying: https://www.highsnobiety.com/2017/04/20/13-reasons-why-teen-bullying/



潤物 Mender of Things

An arts and law education initiative advocating for empathy and social justice